Car Accident
Important Steps To Take When You Are In A Car Accident In Australia
What you need to know when you are involved in a car accident – steps to take after an accident has occurred, what you need to make a successful claim.
With each passing year the number of car accidents is increasing and big or small, they are a scary experience that can leave you with large bills and injuries. It can be hard as the last thing you want to do after a serious crash is fill out paper work for claims and police reports. But it is important that you do collect as much information as possible as you could be entitled to compensation for the accident.
Gather As Much Evidence Of The Car Accident As Possible
It is important that you gather as much evidence as possible after the crash as this can help your case further down the track. In the event of a serious injury, events will be recorded by police and ambulance officers who may be needed on the scene. But if the injury doesn’t require immediate medical attention there is important information you should gather.
While it can be difficult after an accident to keep a clear head, it is extremely important to gather as much detail as possible. If you are injured, but don't fully realise until after the accident, gathering information about the crash at the scene can greatly improve your chances of claiming injury compensation. If you are unable to gather this information due to the seriousness of the injury contact us as soon as possible so we can help with your claim.

Insurance and Driver Details
Parties should exchange information as soon as the accident has occurred. This includes a registration number of the vehicle as well as the insurance details of the other driver. Sometimes these details cannot be recorded such as in a hit and run situation. However you can still make a claim through NSW’s Nominal Defendant Scheme.
Contacting the Police
You need to report the accident to the police within 28 day of it occurring. Not doing so can seriously affect your case as there is no justification for not notifying police. Once you have notified police, they will give you an event number which is important for your case.
Medical Records
If you have been hurt or injured its important to see a medical practitioner as soon as possible. Not only is this important for health reasons, but you will also need to gather testimonies, receipts and medical records for your claim. It’s important to get copies of everything you want to make a claim on, medical bills in particular. Even if you feel the injury isn’t bad you should still seek medical attention as the injury could get worse over time.
Making A Road Accident Compensation Claim
Any party, whether you were at fault or not, is entitled to road accident compensation. All drivers are required to have compulsory third party (CTP) insurance, which is who is responsible for paying a claim. If you were the driver who caused the accident, you can claim on your own insurance.
Lodge Your Accident Notification Claim
This claim is lodged with the CTP insurer of the person that caused the accident within 28 days. You can receive up to $5000 for expenses incurred over a period of 6 months after the accident.
Lodge Your Personal Injury Claim
Also lodged with the insurance of the negligent party, this is where your injury expenses will cost more than $5000 or last more than 6 months.
You can find out more about lodging a claim by checking our other resources or calling one of our lawyers on (02) 9011 7929.
Further Reading
Public Liability Claims
Injured in a public place? Make sure you know your rights when it comes to making a claim.
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